Saturday, February 26, 2011


This, this was yesterday.

Needless to say, my ass hit the trail this morning for an early 3.5 interval run. *face palm.

Moral of the story:

When going anywhere near those evil adorable Girl Scouts, CLOSE YOUR EYES and RUN!


  1. Those things were invented by the freaking devil. I had pizza last night - and sooo I shall be running for at least an hour. You go girl!

  2. Thanks girl! && yes, straigt up invented by the Devil! grrr! But, I remember your Life Lesson #1 from the other day, 'exercise is do-able and worth it". Yes it is! Thank you for giving my boost of motivation for this week! :)

  3. Those thin mints call my name every time. Thank goodness hubby brought home a couple of boxes of the ones I don't like so much. But it's good that you realized that you needed to get up and work those suckers off. :)

  4. Mmm, my weakness are the Samoas. YUMMY!

  5. Ha!! Too funny! My favorite are the samoas! So where are you today on the scale. I know my weight is going to go up from this a.m. I'm planning to get on the treadmill for 30 mins, stay away from soup (high sodium) and replace a meal with only vegetables. I've been doing that the last week and I think that's what helping me reduce my overall calories. LETS GET TO 199!!!!! My email is I need to figure out how to add that to my website!

  6. LOL! Thanks for making me laugh!!! I have stayed away so far, but every Sunday, they are selling them as we leave church. So, tomorrow will be my test. I love Thin Mints & Trefoils.

  7. Hi...I try to avoid their stands...or just put money in their donation cup (I think those cups were created for the faint of heart who want to support the Girl Scouts but not their sugar addiction)....

  8. Totally!!! Those kiddos are seriously evil! There was one little girl dressed up like an actual samoa! Who wouldn't buy a cookie from her?!?! I have 2 boxes...very proud I've only eaten half a sleeve so far. I'm allowing a couple cookies every couple days. At least until I break down and binge. LOL

  9. amen sister

    - Lisa


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