Monday, August 16, 2010

way to go!

I had a great weekend.

I made only good food choices and ate only when i was supposed to eat. I'm happy to report, i am down -4.2 since the start of this blog, 6 days ago. go me! having Jay doing it along with me makes it so much easier and provides lots of motivation. Only around 15 lbs. pre-op to go!

I called my insurance company Friday afternoon to verify that my file had been received for pre-cert. Well, they had nothing. So I gave them the weekend for things to get loaded in and called again this morning, still nothing. That makes me nervous. It's now going into the 3rd week that I have done everything I am required to do and am just waiting on the doctor's office. I sent them an email to confirm it had been submitted. I'm impatient but seriously, they have a job and they need to do it.

update: My doctor's office had faxed my preD to the wrong number; so thankfully I checked into this. She refaxed my information this morning, so, the

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