Sunday, July 19, 2009

on a personal note.

this week holds a few changes.
for the hubbs && i.
first, i will be starting my workout
routine back.
im thinking 3 months off is a very
generous vacation.
secondly, im going to get a new
this being said from one who tends
to but reading on the back burner.
next, im going back to all vegetables
& chicken only diet.
i feel great when i take out the
cows & piglets.
most importantly, tomorrow is our first
appointment with our fertility specialist,
since 2004. actually, this is a new specialist.
my neighbors recently had triplets, so i was like,
"and your going to what dr?".
my appointment was made shortly there after.
having been trying for 8 years, we have finally
decided what course of action we are proceeding
with next. i will post details as soon as i find
them out tomorrow.
please pray. we are so ready to be blessed
with precious children.

first comes love.
then comes marriage.
then comes baby
in a baby carriage.


  1. I will pray for you! I have been riding the fertility roller coaster for 7 years. I totally know what you are going through. Can I ask what the delay is? I have PCOS that has caused our issues. We start injections this week. I am so nervous!

    ps... It won't let me post my webpage and I do not have blogger. I have wordpress. So it is if you want to check it out some time.

  2. Wishing you all the blessings in the world. Our little Grace arrived after waiting 5 years. A miracle baby!

    Just stopping by from SITS to wish you a wonderful Sunday and a sunny week!

    Take care!

    Greetings from a Norwegian in Spain

  3. you girls are awesome. thank you for the words of encouragement and prayers.

  4. Praying that your appointment goes well tomorrow!

    What book are you going to read?

  5. Good luck with the specialist!! Hope things work out for the best:)

  6. I found you on SITS. Your blog is so cute! I'm now new follower.

    I've been there with the infertility! Good luck with everything.

  7. Aww, hope you come back with some good news so you can have a little one! That's great that you will be exercising and trying to eat healthy too...I know those are great steps to take before having a baby. ;)

  8. I went down that road and it took some time to nail down my issues, but once we got it going we went for it. Here I am, 3 boys later :)

    All of these changes will work wonders, good luck!


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