Monday, December 7, 2009

friend making monday: candid moment

i enjoy friend makin' mondays.

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if you know me, my husband and friends could sit for
hours telling many of my embarassing moments. no kidding.
so, i had to give this some thought, since there are so many.

the bear feather

earlier this year, we went to the mountains
for a picnic and short drive.
there had been alot of things in the local news
lately about the increased bear population.
so, as we were grilling and snacking, a park ranger
came up through the camp area picking up small, small
pieces of trash and food and stopped at our table.
he reminded us to not drop crumbs & to pick up all
trash that bears are coming into camp.
he had actually just ran one
out of the road, right at the
entrance of the picnic area about an hour prior.
me, being me, i got all excited .
really? where? up there? was it big? what was it doing?
yes, im a nerd.
so, he explained kindly answering my interrigation
and told of other stories of bears in the
immediate area over the past few weeks.
he laid down his stick - and got a serious look on his weathered face.
he said, "i got this for my granddaughter earlier,
as it is very special and unique and not many people
can say they have one. i want to give this to you,
i got this from the bear earlier that was in the road".
so, he reached into his pocket - and pulled out a black feather.
a black bear feather.
i got a giddy smile on my face and was showing my
husband and was thanking him while examining this feather.
at that moment i noticed my husband was fighting back laughter.
i asked why he was laughing.
the ranger was still standing there and i said, "why is he laughing"?
my husband just sat there shaking his head.
the ranger, who at this point was probably fighting back laughter himself,
said "i have no clue" this is a unique bear feather and not
many people actually have one.
he walked away.
my husband busted out laughing.
and he then had to inform me that bears don't have feathers,
they have fur.
i insisted, yes they do! thier tale is feathers.
he was in tears. but i was insistent.
i actually even came home to google this.
it was then i realized, they really dont have tale feathers.
i was mortified. that ranger probably thought
i had seriously lost my scrupples.

out of my thousands of "moments", this was ridiculously
so many people have gotten
laughs out of this over the past 6 months; my father-n-law exspecially.
and im sure the ranger has a new story of his own now,
about the "girl and the bear feather".

[picture: the feather i keep, the Jay insists]



  1. That was a cute story and I am sure the park ranger told it many times. Be sure to journal it so you can tell your children some day. And by the way, I am pulling for you and your baby/babies:) Have a great week.

  2. Oh cute, its okay I am blonde and have had so many moments like that

    Such a cute story!!!

    Have a great week


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