Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hitting the brakes!

im inserting my least favorite word here: uugh!

as i sit and type this, i officially have only 31 days

until i turn the big "30".

a little history....

my 25th birthday, was wonderful.
probably the best i had ever had.
& up until last year, i was "25".
then began all the talks from family and friends
that, "isn't turning another year older, so much
better than the alternative?"

sure thing! i realized at that moment, it totally was....
& that i should stop being "25" forever, and look
forward to each new year.
so, at "29"....i was happy. i was looking forward
to "living" in the "30"s.
that's what i heard you do.
you learn in the 20s.
& live in the 30s.


then repeat...
as i sit and type this, i officially have only 31 days
until i turn the big "30".
i’m not giving up my juvenile viewing habits of watching Anchorman and Team America over and over to make sure I memorize every funny quote.

it’s now near scientifically impossible to fit that many candles on a regular-sized cake.

the days of partying on rooftops with cases and cases of Bud and scantily clad men, finishing the late night downing pizza, pancakes or burgers (or all three) at IHOP are numbered. Now I’m expected to sip wine and dress nice during Martini Night at the local museum.

every slice of pizza or buffalo wing I need to take a Pepcid. Later I have to down an entire bottle of Pepto Bismol.

my trash can in the bathroom has a magazine, atlas and newspaper on top like I'm running a reference section of a library.

toys I played with as a kid are retro and back in style. (Transformers and Care Bears, to name two) Similarly, I find myself regaling youths about stories of “back in my day.”

ive decided i had better get a rubber mat in the tub--just in case!

i read....

"as the milestone quickly approaches, (the 30 milestone, not the incontinence or pantsuit milestones-fortunately, I have yet to hit those), i realize that turning 30 is a turning point. When I was, 25, I was sure that 30 was going to be this magical turning point when I suddenly get all my sh*t together. I wouldn't feel "old," per se, but I'd feel more content, secure. Life would be less of an emotional rollercoaster. I'd probably even be completely done with my quarterlife crisis!"


  1. Just stopping by from SITS! Great Blog!
    Girl, I feel you..I'm 26 and keep thinking that by 30 I'll "get my sh*t together!" I'm just not ready to settle down and have babies and be a momma and give up my "me" time. Good luck with your 30th!
    Happy Wednesday!
    Come over and check out my 5 DAYS of GIVE-A-WAYS!

  2. You'll quickly (too quickly, I say) come to a time when you'll remember how young you were at 30.

    There's a lot of great things about getting older... but I don't know anyone who wouldn't trade most (or all) of them to regain lost youth.

    These are the good ol' days...

  3. Great blog post. I like the design of your blog. Who knows turning 30 might not be as bad as you think it is.

    Stopping by from SITS


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