Friday, December 5, 2008

stage fright

today was the birthday, of one of my best friends. she turned 26. she is down and out, about being past 25...closer to 30. ive been there. i did the exact same thing. i felt the exact same way. however; this birthday i was excited to be turning 29 and looking forward to my 30th. it beats the alternative, right? she had her birthday at karaoke cafe, in sevierville. i, had been a major nerd and practiced several songs, off and on all week. i got there...and couldnt do it. o, i wanted too. such luck. maybe next time. definantly next time!

today was a good day. i got a bit flustered in walmart earlier; but other than that...i was fine. so i can say, day one of this new journey, was a success. i dont think i could've done better. i slept good. my appetite was very slim. i ate very little. eating only because i knew i needed too. definantly not because i wanted too. i cant wait to see how much im down by my 3 week check-up.

my hubby went bald. grrr. i wanted to get family photos made with my bro, sis n law & nieces & nephews. he wanted a hair cut, but i came home the other day, and he's buzzed cut. i was kind of aggrivated. but no big deal. it will grow back and we can get pictures made in the spring.
happy birthday kendra! i love you!

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