Monday, December 22, 2008

christmas time in the mountains

ok. cutest thing. we were on our way to the cabin yesterday, which was our christmas to each other & on the side of the highway, was a santa..waiving from his sleigh...with his reindeer. now, the reindeer was a beautiful brown cow, with antlers. it was so adorable. if it hadn't of been so cold outside, i would've stopped and paid to have my picture made.

the cabin was beautiful. cozy. we had an absolutely awesome time. from dinner, to the movie, the hottub to a 2 hour super duper bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub, everything was perfect. i cannot wait to go back. ive done a lot of things in my life, but i had never been to a cabin. it was wonderful. again, i cannot wait to go back.

christmas is a few days away. ive never, ever been so "bah humbug'ish" as ive been this year. im sure i know some reasons as to why, but i dont like being so blah! i cannot wait until the new year. mmm, exspecially for the black eyed peas and ham hock. mmm, mmm, good.

i went to the dr. today. 15 days from my 1st appt; ive lost 9.2 lbs. and havent smoked. how awesome is that. he was super duper excited. starting tomorrow, i have to start incorporating 30-min workouts, 5 days a week. i lost my gym buddy =( so im not sure if ill hit the gym or roll the trusty ole' treadmill back out. maybe a bit of both. exercise is fun, but i have to admit, id rather be shopping. its healthy. one hour of shopping can burn 150 calories.

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