drum roll please.....after months and months, i have finally acomplished having all my laundry washed. dried. folded. hung. and put up! this is cause for celebration. hehe! i failed at doing the best job of laundry when it was just hubby and i; and with 2 additions this past year, it often seemed like an unreachable goal. but ive done it. and am happy beyond words.
what else...well, after taking a year off work, i applied for a human resources position with a large fashion corporation in mid-december. i heard from them Sunday, had my first interview monday, and got a call today for my second interview tomorrow. so far, i feel very confident that this is going to be the best career move ever! i dont want to tell all the bells and whistles of the job, just yet, as i dont want to jinx myself. but, i will post again after i get offered the job [please say a little prayer!]
the kids have been doing good. hubby and i wonderful. finally got the house back to normal after the holidays; what a relief! next big event: Con's b-day...he turns 5 in February. think he's going with dinosaurs. he wanted spiderman, but everything is spiderman, so thought it would be refreshing for him to pick something else he likes. its gonna be nice, but not as big and flashy as t-bug's; that was def a lesson learned!
well, off to bed.